Importance of HIT-6
HIT (Headache Impact Test) is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home, and in social situations. The tool is used in both clinical research and in practice. It consists of six questions and based on your responses a numerical value is produced, these responses are summed to produce a total HIT-6 score that ranges from 36 to 78. The higher the number the higher the impact of migraine on your quality of life, it indicates how this impacts your ability to lead a normal daily life and function.
The value of the tool is that it provides you with the ability to quantify the impact of your migraine/headaches on your daily life, making it easier for you and your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and assess the impact your medications and lifestyle changes have on your quality of life.
While most practitioners do not provide this test, it is established that performing the test regularly is a standard of care, and we encourage you to share the test scores with your care provider, this questionnaire helps you communicate and describe how you feel and how your daily life is affected by your migraine headaches.
Having a baseline for your HIT is vital in assessing the efficacy of medications and lifestyle changes. Consider taking the free test once a month as a part of your migraine diary.
Rendas-Baum, R., Yang, M., Varon, S.F. et al. Validation of the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6) in patients with chronic migraine. Health Qual Life Outcomes 12, 117 (2014).